bettertwin wrote in
Sep 15, 2010 23:44
In the interest of making school less of a complete waste of my time, I've decided to start a fencing club.
Obviously we need a faculty advisor.
Members would be nice too, but if nobody else cares I'll just do it on my own. Fakir, are you interested?
asch grants
bettertwin wrote in
Jun 22, 2010 09:14
I'm going to LA for a week and Van says I have to bring someone with me so I have something to do besides get in trouble. Tch, like I ever get in trouble.
It's not like I want to but we've got two free seats in the car.
asch grants
bettertwin wrote in
Feb 03, 2010 22:29
One of the teachers told me I should introduce myself here. My name is Asch Grants. I just moved here from California. I don't like Colorado because it's too damn cold. I'm in the second semester of my sophomore year.
I would much rather be in California, but I guess I'll give this place a try since Van says we aren't moving back. That's all.
asch grants